Burma Democratic Concern (BDC): UNSC must implement “Shwe-Gone-Daing” Declaration
30 March 2010
Aung San Suu Kyi led National League for Democracy (NLD) decided unanimously on 29 March 2010, not to re-register the party to participate in the junta’s planned sham 2010 election due to its unfair electoral laws.
National League for Democracy (NLD), unanimous victor of 1990 election, stands firmly on “Shew-Gone-Daing” declaration of which all four main principals are equally important that needs to place in order to have true national reconciliation in Burma, i.e.
To release all political prisoners
To take place genuine dialogue
To revise 2008 constitution
To recognize 1990 election results
By seeing this decision, legitimate leaders of Burma send the very clear message to the world that they honour the plight of the people who lost their lives in 1988 uprising, 1996 student demonstrations, 1998 student demonstrations, 2003 Depeyin massacre, 2007 Saffron revolution, the victims of 2008 Cyclone Nargis, the plight of ethnics people, the plight of the political prisoners and the plight of all people of Burma who have been suffering at the hands of brutal military regime.It also sends the very strong message that they respect the will of people who voted for them in 1990 election.
This is the time that UN should proven itself that it really can make difference.
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi once said that;
• The results of these elections will remain valid until such time as the Members of Parliament elected in 1990 by the people have had a chance to get together and decide what the next step is going to be. The world has to make certain that the outcome of these elections is honoured.
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi also reaffirm her position on UN that;
• We would like to see the UN standing very firmly by the General Assembly resolution* on Burma and to try to implement the terms of the resolution as quickly as possible. And we would like the whole international community to support the UN and this. (*On November 19, 2002, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution strongly urging the Government of Myanmar “to restore democracy and implement the results of the 1990 election and to ensure [...] without delay into substantive and structured dialogue towards democratisation and national reconciliation [...] to release unconditionally and immediately all political prisoners.”)
Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) calls for world leaders to call for junta to allow convening people’s parliament according to 1990 election result which is tantamount to implementing “Shwe-Gone-Daing” declaration. Human rights abuses and humanitarian crises have been happening in Burma and long overdue to solve. Unite Nation Security Council must take effective practical action on military regime to stop killing its own people, to stop arresting and torturing political dissidents and to press to honour the 1990 election result in which Aung San Suu Kyi’s party win the landslide victory.
We would like to call for the United Nations Security Council to:
declare it won’t recognize junta’s planned 2010 election and its results
declare junta’s sham 2008 constitution as NULL and VOID
declare it will implement “Shwe-Gone-Daing” declaration as the UN road map for democracy in Burma
For more information please contact Myo Thein, the director of the Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) at 00-44-208 4939 137 or 00-44-787 788-2386.
Tuesday, 30 March 2010
Monday, 29 March 2010
Contact: Roland Watson, roland@dictatorwatch.org
Dictator Watch has been given the results of the debriefing of a new
defector out of Burma, Inspector Soe Min of the Pa-an Police Force, Karen
State. He was responsible for forty subordinate officers.
Soe Min fled because one of his subordinates lost a patrol car, for which
loss he was held responsible. He is presently in hiding in a large Thai
He was actively involved in rigging the results of the 2008 Constitutional
Referendum (to see that the referendum passed), and which steps he
confirms will also be used in the upcoming 2010 election.
Soe Min was ordered by his superior officer, Maung Maung, to block all
No votes on the referendum. He was told to discard such ballots, and to
replace them with false Yes votes.
He ordered his subordinate officers to visit all the townships under his
command and tell the local USDA, Fire Brigade and other pro-SPDC factions
to collect Yes votes from the population. These organizations threatened
the people such that many individuals did in fact vote Yes. Still, the
No vote was over 50% of the total. These votes were destroyed. The
police pocketed the ballots at the polling stations, and then tore them up
later. They were substituted with fake Yes ballots. Over half of the
entire count for Pa-an was completely fraudulent.
Before his defection, Soe Min learned that the same actions will be
conducted in the upcoming election. In addition, convicts are being
recruited to vote for the SPDC in return for release or other forms of
Soe Mins information, which for the referendum has been duplicated many
times by sources from other parts of Burma, has an important implication:
The 2010 election will unquestionably be rigged. This in turn begs the
question of why anyone would want to participate in it, either as a
candidate or voter. Any candidate who is truly for democracy is certain to
be defeated. The only candidates who will win seats will be people who
want to join the SPDC and share in its corruption. For the voters,
individuals who intend to choose pro-democracy candidates are naïve to
believe that their votes will actually count. Instead, they will be
changed and given to pro-junta candidates. Other than the relatives of the
SPDC and its cronies, the only other people who will vote will be
individuals who have been forced to do so.
Under no circumstances whatsoever will the election legitimately reflect
the will of the people of Burma. It does not matter whether the NLD
chooses to register or not although once hopes the organization will
follow Daw Suus principled and courageous lead. No matter what happens,
the entire exercise is doomed to be a fraud.
Contact: Roland Watson, roland@dictatorwatch.org
Dictator Watch has been given the results of the debriefing of a new
defector out of Burma, Inspector Soe Min of the Pa-an Police Force, Karen
State. He was responsible for forty subordinate officers.
Soe Min fled because one of his subordinates lost a patrol car, for which
loss he was held responsible. He is presently in hiding in a large Thai
He was actively involved in rigging the results of the 2008 Constitutional
Referendum (to see that the referendum passed), and which steps he
confirms will also be used in the upcoming 2010 election.
Soe Min was ordered by his superior officer, Maung Maung, to block all
No votes on the referendum. He was told to discard such ballots, and to
replace them with false Yes votes.
He ordered his subordinate officers to visit all the townships under his
command and tell the local USDA, Fire Brigade and other pro-SPDC factions
to collect Yes votes from the population. These organizations threatened
the people such that many individuals did in fact vote Yes. Still, the
No vote was over 50% of the total. These votes were destroyed. The
police pocketed the ballots at the polling stations, and then tore them up
later. They were substituted with fake Yes ballots. Over half of the
entire count for Pa-an was completely fraudulent.
Before his defection, Soe Min learned that the same actions will be
conducted in the upcoming election. In addition, convicts are being
recruited to vote for the SPDC in return for release or other forms of
Soe Mins information, which for the referendum has been duplicated many
times by sources from other parts of Burma, has an important implication:
The 2010 election will unquestionably be rigged. This in turn begs the
question of why anyone would want to participate in it, either as a
candidate or voter. Any candidate who is truly for democracy is certain to
be defeated. The only candidates who will win seats will be people who
want to join the SPDC and share in its corruption. For the voters,
individuals who intend to choose pro-democracy candidates are naïve to
believe that their votes will actually count. Instead, they will be
changed and given to pro-junta candidates. Other than the relatives of the
SPDC and its cronies, the only other people who will vote will be
individuals who have been forced to do so.
Under no circumstances whatsoever will the election legitimately reflect
the will of the people of Burma. It does not matter whether the NLD
chooses to register or not although once hopes the organization will
follow Daw Suus principled and courageous lead. No matter what happens,
the entire exercise is doomed to be a fraud.
Saturday, 27 March 2010
Tin Oo Calls on Army to Stay Out of Politics
27 Mar 2010
Tin Oo, the vice-chairman of the National League for Democracy (NLD) and Burma's former army chief, told The Irrawaddy that the army should stay out of politics and that past military coups in Burma have only harmed the country.
“The armed forces or Tatmadaw should serve the country by protecting the people and defending the nation,” said Tin Oo.
He said the image of the armed forces today has dramatically changed due to its role in oppression and involvement in politics. He also said that soldiers are not trained to govern or run the country or the government.
“We only learn about military matters and warfare and have little knowledge or informed opinion about issues such as education, health and the economy.”
He also said that soldiers in the army should not obey unjust orders coming from superior officers, although he acknowledged the heavy-handed military structure in the Burmese armed forces.
Meanwhile, Snr-Gen Than Shwe said at the annual Armed Forces Day parade held in the remote capital Naypyidaw: “We, the patriotic Tatmadaw, not only defend and protect the nation and the people with our lives but take part and serve in national politics whenever the need arises.”
His seven-minute speech focused on the coming election and the role of the armed forces in politics.
“This year's elections represent only the beginning of the process of fostering democracy,” he said.
No date has been announced for the upcoming polls, which critics have called a sham designed to keep the military in power with the facade of an elected government.
Tin Oo became Commander in Chief of the Tatmadaw in 1974 and was a respected army leader. He joined the NLD in 1988 after the military brutally crushed a nationwide pro-democracy uprising. He was placed under house arrest in 2003 and was released in February of this year.
In the 1970s, Than Shwe, who was then a staff officer in the War Office in Rangoon, sometimes accompanied Tin Oo when he traveled to the north to inspect military offensives against Communist and ethnic insurgents.
Tin Oo said that then Col Than Shwe never struck him as ambitious, but was a rather “slow and quiet person.”
However, Tin Oo now expressed doubts about whether Than Shwe would relinquish power after the election. He said the junta leader might decide to stay in power if he doesn't trust the people who take over the new government, many of whom he is expected to handpick.
Tin Oo lamented that some people seem determined to cling to power and said that Than Shwe could remain as a president in the future government.
“He then will feel he has legitimacy to rule the country.”
27 Mar 2010
Tin Oo, the vice-chairman of the National League for Democracy (NLD) and Burma's former army chief, told The Irrawaddy that the army should stay out of politics and that past military coups in Burma have only harmed the country.
“The armed forces or Tatmadaw should serve the country by protecting the people and defending the nation,” said Tin Oo.
He said the image of the armed forces today has dramatically changed due to its role in oppression and involvement in politics. He also said that soldiers are not trained to govern or run the country or the government.
“We only learn about military matters and warfare and have little knowledge or informed opinion about issues such as education, health and the economy.”
He also said that soldiers in the army should not obey unjust orders coming from superior officers, although he acknowledged the heavy-handed military structure in the Burmese armed forces.
Meanwhile, Snr-Gen Than Shwe said at the annual Armed Forces Day parade held in the remote capital Naypyidaw: “We, the patriotic Tatmadaw, not only defend and protect the nation and the people with our lives but take part and serve in national politics whenever the need arises.”
His seven-minute speech focused on the coming election and the role of the armed forces in politics.
“This year's elections represent only the beginning of the process of fostering democracy,” he said.
No date has been announced for the upcoming polls, which critics have called a sham designed to keep the military in power with the facade of an elected government.
Tin Oo became Commander in Chief of the Tatmadaw in 1974 and was a respected army leader. He joined the NLD in 1988 after the military brutally crushed a nationwide pro-democracy uprising. He was placed under house arrest in 2003 and was released in February of this year.
In the 1970s, Than Shwe, who was then a staff officer in the War Office in Rangoon, sometimes accompanied Tin Oo when he traveled to the north to inspect military offensives against Communist and ethnic insurgents.
Tin Oo said that then Col Than Shwe never struck him as ambitious, but was a rather “slow and quiet person.”
However, Tin Oo now expressed doubts about whether Than Shwe would relinquish power after the election. He said the junta leader might decide to stay in power if he doesn't trust the people who take over the new government, many of whom he is expected to handpick.
Tin Oo lamented that some people seem determined to cling to power and said that Than Shwe could remain as a president in the future government.
“He then will feel he has legitimacy to rule the country.”
Thursday, 25 March 2010
Burma: Our main cause
1) Sham 2010 Election (Boycott) (Boycott)
2) Sham 2008 Constitution (Void) (Void)
3) Unjust Electoral Laws (Void) (Void)
4) Military Regime (Out) (Out)
5) 1990 Election Result (Implement) (Implement)
6) Shwe-Gone-Daing Declaration (Implement) (Implement)
7) Aung San Suu Kyi (Our Leader) (Our Leader)
8) Aung San Suu Kyi led Interim Government (Right Now) (Right Now)
9) United Nations Security Council (Take Action On Burma Now)
UNSC to have informal briefing on Burma
(Mizzima) – The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) on Wednesday will hear an informal briefing on Burma at the request of Council members, the first such briefing since August 2009, and the country’s newly announced electoral laws are expected to be discussed.
According to a UNSC activity report, the Council’s 15 members are expecting a briefing from the Secretary General’s Chief of Staff, Vijay Nambia, who has been acting as temporary advisor to Ban Ki-moon on Burma since former advisor Ibrahim Gambari left the position at the end of December 2009.
“Myanmar’s [Burma’s] new election laws published earlier this month are expected to be the focus of the briefing and subsequent discussion,” the report said.
However, no Council decision is expected as a result of the hearing.
Burma on March 8th announced its electoral laws for the upcoming elections. The laws effectively ban all political prisoners including Nobel Peace Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi from contesting the polling and impose further restrictions that may even ban her from her own party.
Following the announcement, United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said the laws fail to meet “international expectations of what is required for an inclusive political process.”
Meanwhile the U.S. has said it is ‘deeply disappointed’ and the United Kingdom expressed regret that under the new election laws Aung San Suu Kyi faces expulsion from her party and will be unable to run. Both the U.S. and United Kingdom are permanent members of the UNSC.
Ban, on March 25th, will also convene a meeting of his Group of Friends on Myanmar to further ongoing discussions.
Tuesday, 23 March 2010
Dissident Groups Call for UN Security Council Burma Session
More than 150 Burmese dissident groups, local and in exile, called on the United Nations Security Council on Tuesday to hold an “urgent discussion” on Burma and appealed to China not to use its veto.
A three-page statement was sent to the UN Security Council and Chinese embassies around the world, appealing for support for the people of Burma.
“The UN Security Council needs to take action on the Burmese military government,” said Myo Thein, director of the Burma Democratic Concern, one of the groups signing the appeal. “We call on the UNSC for an urgent discussion about Burma and on China to support the UNSC's decision and not to use its veto.”
Other groups joining the appeal include the Canadian Campaign for Free Burma, Free Burma Federation, Democratic Federation of Burma, All Burma Students League, Burma Political Prisoners Union, Denmark's Aktiongruppe for Demokratii Burma and the Burma Democratic Concern.
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon will convene a meeting of the Group of Friends of Burma on March 25.
The Group of Friends of Burma was formed in December 2007 and comprises representatives of Australia, Britain, China, France, India, Indonesia, Japan, Norway, Russia, Singapore, Thailand, the US and Vietnam, as well as the country holding the presidency of the European Union.
“We strongly support the meeting with the Friends of Burma,” said Myo Thein. “But it's not enough for solving the problems of Burma. The problems of Burma should be solved at UN Security Council level.”
A three-page statement was sent to the UN Security Council and Chinese embassies around the world, appealing for support for the people of Burma.
“The UN Security Council needs to take action on the Burmese military government,” said Myo Thein, director of the Burma Democratic Concern, one of the groups signing the appeal. “We call on the UNSC for an urgent discussion about Burma and on China to support the UNSC's decision and not to use its veto.”
Other groups joining the appeal include the Canadian Campaign for Free Burma, Free Burma Federation, Democratic Federation of Burma, All Burma Students League, Burma Political Prisoners Union, Denmark's Aktiongruppe for Demokratii Burma and the Burma Democratic Concern.
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon will convene a meeting of the Group of Friends of Burma on March 25.
The Group of Friends of Burma was formed in December 2007 and comprises representatives of Australia, Britain, China, France, India, Indonesia, Japan, Norway, Russia, Singapore, Thailand, the US and Vietnam, as well as the country holding the presidency of the European Union.
“We strongly support the meeting with the Friends of Burma,” said Myo Thein. “But it's not enough for solving the problems of Burma. The problems of Burma should be solved at UN Security Council level.”
Monday, 22 March 2010
Refugees International Japan’s 20th ‘ART OF DINING’ Charity Exhibition
Refugees International Japan (RIJ) will present a feast for the eyes at the 20th anniversary of its exhibition, ‘Art of Dining’, on Tues. March 16, 2010 from 12- 8:30pm at The Westin Tokyo.
Opened in previous years by HIH Princess Hitachi, ‘Art of Dining’ will showcase imaginative and culturally-diverse table designs by 21 designers from artistic, diplomatic, culinary and business circles.
Open to the public, guests can enjoy the unique interior design on display, while helping to raise money and promote awareness of the plight of refugees and internally displaced people (IDPs).
This year’s group of designers includes TV producer Kyoko Spector co-presenting with Mayari Ishibashi, Futaba-ryu ikebana master Horiguchi Shoko, and renowned artist Misaki Ando, along with Colombian Ambassador Patricia Cardenas and representatives from the embassies of Afghanistan and Botswana.
‘Art of Dining’ has raised more than 150 million yen since its inception and will continue to support projects for refugees around the world. A section of this year’s event space will include information on the over 60 million displaced people worldwide and detail how RIJ is making a difference.
This year, viewing has been extended from 12- 8:30pm. Tea and coffee will be available for purchase.
Exciting Door Prizes:
-tickets for Virgin Atlantic Airways
-stays at the Shangri-La Hotel Tokyo and The Westin Tokyo
-dinner vouchers for the Conrad Tokyo, ANA InterContinental Tokyo and Suji’s
Commemorative Calendars:
-designed especially for the 20th anniversary event, featuring stunning photos of past table designs
-welcome your help both before and on the day of the event
-particularly keen to hear from foreign and Japanese people with skills in marketing and corporate fundraising (especially in the Japanese business sector)
-for more info: anne@refugeesinternationaljapan.org
Date: Tuesday, March 16, 2010 12:00– 8:30pm; Opening Ceremony: 11:30am
Place: The Westin Tokyo, Yebisu Garden Place, Kaede Rm B1
(JR Ebisu Stn - 7 min, Hibiya Line Ebisu Stn - 10 min)
Admission: ¥3,500 at the door or through RIJ:
T: 03-5500-3093/ F: 03-5500-3094 enquiries@refugeesinternationaljapan.org
Calendar: ¥700 anne@refugeesinternationaljapan.org
Refugees International Japan (国際難民支援会)は、第20回記念「Art of Dining-食卓の芸術チャリティー展示会」を、2010年3月16日(火)にウェスティンホテル東京にて開催します。
例年同様、常陸宮妃華子殿下にオープニングセレモニーにご臨席を賜り、「Art of Dining-食卓の芸術」と題して芸術、外交、料理、ビジネス界から20組以上の参加者が独創的で文化的多様さに富むテーブルセッティングを披露します。
第一回の開催以来「Art of Dining-食卓の芸術チャリティー展示会」は、1億5千万円のご協力を募ることができました。今後も世界中で活動しているプロジェクトへの貢献援助を続けて参ります。会場には、世界の6千万人以上の難民の現状と、RIJの援助によって彼らの生活がどう変わったか、をご覧いただけるコーナーも設けてあります。
Art of Dining-食卓の芸術概要
入場料:3,500円当日会場入口で。またはRIJ事務所にて事前購入(豪華賞品があたるくじ付き)www.refugeesinternationaljapan.org/user/40/Art of Dining/J
Twitter: RefugeesJapan
Photos: 2009 "Art of Dining"- Takeshi Yuzawa
Opened in previous years by HIH Princess Hitachi, ‘Art of Dining’ will showcase imaginative and culturally-diverse table designs by 21 designers from artistic, diplomatic, culinary and business circles.
Open to the public, guests can enjoy the unique interior design on display, while helping to raise money and promote awareness of the plight of refugees and internally displaced people (IDPs).
This year’s group of designers includes TV producer Kyoko Spector co-presenting with Mayari Ishibashi, Futaba-ryu ikebana master Horiguchi Shoko, and renowned artist Misaki Ando, along with Colombian Ambassador Patricia Cardenas and representatives from the embassies of Afghanistan and Botswana.
‘Art of Dining’ has raised more than 150 million yen since its inception and will continue to support projects for refugees around the world. A section of this year’s event space will include information on the over 60 million displaced people worldwide and detail how RIJ is making a difference.
This year, viewing has been extended from 12- 8:30pm. Tea and coffee will be available for purchase.
Exciting Door Prizes:
-tickets for Virgin Atlantic Airways
-stays at the Shangri-La Hotel Tokyo and The Westin Tokyo
-dinner vouchers for the Conrad Tokyo, ANA InterContinental Tokyo and Suji’s
Commemorative Calendars:
-designed especially for the 20th anniversary event, featuring stunning photos of past table designs
-welcome your help both before and on the day of the event
-particularly keen to hear from foreign and Japanese people with skills in marketing and corporate fundraising (especially in the Japanese business sector)
-for more info: anne@refugeesinternationaljapan.org
Date: Tuesday, March 16, 2010 12:00– 8:30pm; Opening Ceremony: 11:30am
Place: The Westin Tokyo, Yebisu Garden Place, Kaede Rm B1
(JR Ebisu Stn - 7 min, Hibiya Line Ebisu Stn - 10 min)
Admission: ¥3,500 at the door or through RIJ:
T: 03-5500-3093/ F: 03-5500-3094 enquiries@refugeesinternationaljapan.org
Calendar: ¥700 anne@refugeesinternationaljapan.org
Refugees International Japan (国際難民支援会)は、第20回記念「Art of Dining-食卓の芸術チャリティー展示会」を、2010年3月16日(火)にウェスティンホテル東京にて開催します。
例年同様、常陸宮妃華子殿下にオープニングセレモニーにご臨席を賜り、「Art of Dining-食卓の芸術」と題して芸術、外交、料理、ビジネス界から20組以上の参加者が独創的で文化的多様さに富むテーブルセッティングを披露します。
第一回の開催以来「Art of Dining-食卓の芸術チャリティー展示会」は、1億5千万円のご協力を募ることができました。今後も世界中で活動しているプロジェクトへの貢献援助を続けて参ります。会場には、世界の6千万人以上の難民の現状と、RIJの援助によって彼らの生活がどう変わったか、をご覧いただけるコーナーも設けてあります。
Art of Dining-食卓の芸術概要
入場料:3,500円当日会場入口で。またはRIJ事務所にて事前購入(豪華賞品があたるくじ付き)www.refugeesinternationaljapan.org/user/40/Art of Dining/J
Twitter: RefugeesJapan
Photos: 2009 "Art of Dining"- Takeshi Yuzawa
Exiled Groups Seek UN Action on Burma
Three prominent exiled Burmese dissident groups have called on UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to urge members of the Security Council to aid the people of Burma.
The All Burma Monks' Alliance, the 88 Generation Students and the All Burma Federation of Students Union in a letter to Ban said, “Now is the time for the UN Security Council to intervene in our country’s affairs. Burma cannot afford further delay.”
Ban has scheduled a meeting of his ad-hoc Friends on Burma on Thursday.
“We request you to ask the members of the Security Council to convene an emergency meeting to discuss the situation in Burma as soon as possible,” said the letter. “From the meeting, we would like to call for a collective and effective action, with an aim to stop the regime from continuing its dangerous path to militarism and start negotiating with democratic forces and ethnic representatives for a peaceful political settlement.”
Referring to Burma's recently announced election laws, the three groups urged that the international community and the UN not endorse and recognize the regime’s electoral laws and the election, which they said goes against democratic norms and undermines genuine democracy from taking place.
“We also would like to reiterate your recent statements on Burma that, “without the participation of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and all key political prisoners, the elections would not be inclusive.”
The people of Burma have never accepted the regime’s 2008 Constitution designed to enshrine permanent military rule in the country, said the letter.
The three groups said that despite persistent demands by the UN and the international community to create the necessary conditions to make the 2010 elections inclusive, transparent and fair, the regime has deliberately failed to heed the calls.
“Instead, the regime responded by issuing a set of unfair and unjust electoral laws, which will beget undemocratic elections,” said the letter. “In addition to removing Aung San Suu Kyi and over 2,100 political prisoners from the country’s political process, the regime harbors plans to intensify its military assaults against ethnic cease-fire troops who refuse to obey its orders.”
The groups said they supported UN Special Rapporteur Tomas Quintana's recommendation to the UN to establish a commission of inquiry to investigate possible war crimes and crimes against humanity in Burma.
The All Burma Monks' Alliance, the 88 Generation Students and the All Burma Federation of Students Union in a letter to Ban said, “Now is the time for the UN Security Council to intervene in our country’s affairs. Burma cannot afford further delay.”
Ban has scheduled a meeting of his ad-hoc Friends on Burma on Thursday.
“We request you to ask the members of the Security Council to convene an emergency meeting to discuss the situation in Burma as soon as possible,” said the letter. “From the meeting, we would like to call for a collective and effective action, with an aim to stop the regime from continuing its dangerous path to militarism and start negotiating with democratic forces and ethnic representatives for a peaceful political settlement.”
Referring to Burma's recently announced election laws, the three groups urged that the international community and the UN not endorse and recognize the regime’s electoral laws and the election, which they said goes against democratic norms and undermines genuine democracy from taking place.
“We also would like to reiterate your recent statements on Burma that, “without the participation of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and all key political prisoners, the elections would not be inclusive.”
The people of Burma have never accepted the regime’s 2008 Constitution designed to enshrine permanent military rule in the country, said the letter.
The three groups said that despite persistent demands by the UN and the international community to create the necessary conditions to make the 2010 elections inclusive, transparent and fair, the regime has deliberately failed to heed the calls.
“Instead, the regime responded by issuing a set of unfair and unjust electoral laws, which will beget undemocratic elections,” said the letter. “In addition to removing Aung San Suu Kyi and over 2,100 political prisoners from the country’s political process, the regime harbors plans to intensify its military assaults against ethnic cease-fire troops who refuse to obey its orders.”
The groups said they supported UN Special Rapporteur Tomas Quintana's recommendation to the UN to establish a commission of inquiry to investigate possible war crimes and crimes against humanity in Burma.
Thursday, 18 March 2010
Burma: Resistance Day Demo - Protest against military Dictatorship in Burma
Resistance Day Demo: Protest against military Dictatorship in Burma
Message By ; BDC
Dear Friends,
We would like to cordially invite you to join with us to commemorate Burma Resistance Day and to protest against illegitimate military regime in front of the Burmese military regime's embassy. Your participation will be highly appreciated and looking forward to see you all.
Date: 26 March 2010 (Friday)
Time: 13:00-14:00 pm
Place: In front of the Burmese Junta's Military Regime
Address: 19A Charles Street, London, W1J 5DX
Tube: Nearest tube station is Green Park
Thank you very much and looking forward to see you all.
Message By ; BDC
Dear Friends,
We would like to cordially invite you to join with us to commemorate Burma Resistance Day and to protest against illegitimate military regime in front of the Burmese military regime's embassy. Your participation will be highly appreciated and looking forward to see you all.
Date: 26 March 2010 (Friday)
Time: 13:00-14:00 pm
Place: In front of the Burmese Junta's Military Regime
Address: 19A Charles Street, London, W1J 5DX
Tube: Nearest tube station is Green Park
Thank you very much and looking forward to see you all.
Tuesday, 16 March 2010
Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) warmly welcomes PM Gordon Brown calls for an urgent UN meeting.
16 March 2010
Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) warmly welcomes PM Gordon Brown calls for an urgent UN meeting.
The PM said: “Burma has ignored the demands of the UN Security Council, the UN Secretary General, the US, EU and its own neighbours by imposing restrictive and unfair terms on elections. The targeting of Aung San Suu Kyi and the NLD is particularly vindictive and callous. I have today written to the UN Secretary General to call for an urgent meeting in New York to discuss these developments”.
Myo Thein, the Director at the Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) said “We are very encouraged to learn Prime Minister Gordon Brown’s support for democratization of Burma. He plays leading role in supporting Burma democracy movement. Mr Brown takes timely action calling for the UN urgent meeting; I hope it will send the clear message to repressive regime in Burma that the world is ready to stand by with oppressed people of Burma and (Daw) Aung San Suu Kyi. Mr Brown is the hero for democratization of Burma”.
The PM calls for the urgent UN meeting follows after Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) on 11 March 2010 calls for United Nations Security Council to convene emergency meeting. You can see the PM statement at http://www.number10.gov.uk/Page22826 and Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) press statement at http://bdcburma.org/Statements.asp?Id=78
The recent so-called electoral laws show clearly that ruling junta doesn’t have the will to see national reconciliation in Burma. UNSC must take pro-active action decisively and collectively in order to intervene Burma crisis so as to avoid total devastating in Burma. Now Burma democratic and ethnics’ leaders are calling for to form “Interim Government” led by Aung San Suu Kyi and elected MPs of 1990 election.
“If should Aung San Suu Kyi led “Interim Government” be formed the world must be ready to recognize them as the legitimate government of Burma”, added Myo Thein.
For more information please contact Myo Thein, the Director at the Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) on 00-44-78 7788 2386 or 00-44-20 8493 9137.
Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) warmly welcomes PM Gordon Brown calls for an urgent UN meeting.
The PM said: “Burma has ignored the demands of the UN Security Council, the UN Secretary General, the US, EU and its own neighbours by imposing restrictive and unfair terms on elections. The targeting of Aung San Suu Kyi and the NLD is particularly vindictive and callous. I have today written to the UN Secretary General to call for an urgent meeting in New York to discuss these developments”.
Myo Thein, the Director at the Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) said “We are very encouraged to learn Prime Minister Gordon Brown’s support for democratization of Burma. He plays leading role in supporting Burma democracy movement. Mr Brown takes timely action calling for the UN urgent meeting; I hope it will send the clear message to repressive regime in Burma that the world is ready to stand by with oppressed people of Burma and (Daw) Aung San Suu Kyi. Mr Brown is the hero for democratization of Burma”.
The PM calls for the urgent UN meeting follows after Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) on 11 March 2010 calls for United Nations Security Council to convene emergency meeting. You can see the PM statement at http://www.number10.gov.uk/Page22826 and Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) press statement at http://bdcburma.org/Statements.asp?Id=78
The recent so-called electoral laws show clearly that ruling junta doesn’t have the will to see national reconciliation in Burma. UNSC must take pro-active action decisively and collectively in order to intervene Burma crisis so as to avoid total devastating in Burma. Now Burma democratic and ethnics’ leaders are calling for to form “Interim Government” led by Aung San Suu Kyi and elected MPs of 1990 election.
“If should Aung San Suu Kyi led “Interim Government” be formed the world must be ready to recognize them as the legitimate government of Burma”, added Myo Thein.
For more information please contact Myo Thein, the Director at the Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) on 00-44-78 7788 2386 or 00-44-20 8493 9137.
United Nations must enforce military Junta to honour the 1990 election result now, not another 2010 election in Burma
United Nations must enforce military Junta to honour the 1990 election result now, not another 2010 election in Burma
BDC -27 March 2008-Press Release
Burma Democratic Concern today called for United Nations to change their stand on Burma. They must have the clear vision. Military Regime declared to hold the referendum in May 2008. The regime manipulated the international community and misled by declaring the new election which will be taken place in 2010. United Nations seem to deem its vision on Burma by asking for inclusive 2010 election and transparent 2008 referendum.
“If this country is to achieve genuine democracy, the result of the elections of 1990 must be recognized. It must be recognized by the military regime, as it has been recognized by the people, and by the world at large. It is through this recognition that we will be able to make genuine progress in Burma. The results of the 1990 General Elections must be implemented is a resolution already taken by the United Nations. We already know that the General Assembly of the United Nations has accepted the notion that the will of the people has been expressed in the 1990 General Elections. This is something we cannot abandon. It will be to the detriment of our country if after an election has been held the results are not honoured and we do not resist attempts to trivialise it", once Daw Aung San Suu Kyi insisted.
A tremendous responsibility rests upon the United Nations Organisation to a far better end, and we are looking for a more positive and bolder lead of the United Nations. "The military regime is clearly ignoring the results of the 1990 elections and now it is questionable that United Nations is following their footstep" said Myo Thein, director of Burma Democratic Concern in United Kingdom.
"People show their destiny, their will and sacrifice their lives. How many more lives need to sacrifice to take serious action on Burma? United Nations must enforce the military regime to recognize the 1990 election results and take action on it now "added Khin Maung Win, the director of Burma Democratic Concern in United States.
United Nations must push military regime to do time-bound genuine dialogue and press to transfer the power to NLD which won the election. "The Burma situation is like the circle, we need to break the chain and start the new era" said Kyaw Lin Oo, the director of Burma Democratic Concern in Thailand.
Burma Democratic Concern is calling for the United Nations to enforce the Junta to honour the 1990 election results and start taking action on it now rather than following the footstep of the military Junta.
BDC -27 March 2008-Press Release
Burma Democratic Concern today called for United Nations to change their stand on Burma. They must have the clear vision. Military Regime declared to hold the referendum in May 2008. The regime manipulated the international community and misled by declaring the new election which will be taken place in 2010. United Nations seem to deem its vision on Burma by asking for inclusive 2010 election and transparent 2008 referendum.
“If this country is to achieve genuine democracy, the result of the elections of 1990 must be recognized. It must be recognized by the military regime, as it has been recognized by the people, and by the world at large. It is through this recognition that we will be able to make genuine progress in Burma. The results of the 1990 General Elections must be implemented is a resolution already taken by the United Nations. We already know that the General Assembly of the United Nations has accepted the notion that the will of the people has been expressed in the 1990 General Elections. This is something we cannot abandon. It will be to the detriment of our country if after an election has been held the results are not honoured and we do not resist attempts to trivialise it", once Daw Aung San Suu Kyi insisted.
A tremendous responsibility rests upon the United Nations Organisation to a far better end, and we are looking for a more positive and bolder lead of the United Nations. "The military regime is clearly ignoring the results of the 1990 elections and now it is questionable that United Nations is following their footstep" said Myo Thein, director of Burma Democratic Concern in United Kingdom.
"People show their destiny, their will and sacrifice their lives. How many more lives need to sacrifice to take serious action on Burma? United Nations must enforce the military regime to recognize the 1990 election results and take action on it now "added Khin Maung Win, the director of Burma Democratic Concern in United States.
United Nations must push military regime to do time-bound genuine dialogue and press to transfer the power to NLD which won the election. "The Burma situation is like the circle, we need to break the chain and start the new era" said Kyaw Lin Oo, the director of Burma Democratic Concern in Thailand.
Burma Democratic Concern is calling for the United Nations to enforce the Junta to honour the 1990 election results and start taking action on it now rather than following the footstep of the military Junta.
Opposition party to decide on elections
Burma’s opposition National League for Democracy (NLD) party is to convene a plenary meeting with 120 senior members at the end of this month where they will likely decide on whether to run for elections this year.
The elections are beset by controversy, not least because detained NLD leader Aung San Suu Kyi is barred from participating.
Election laws announced last week also state that her party must expel Suu Kyi if it wants to compete, and officially annul the result of Burma’s last elections in 1990, which the NLD won by a landslide.
The party’s 20-strong Central Executive Committee (CEC) met yesterday to formalise plans to hold the plenary meeting on 29 March, which will incorporate another 108 Central Committee (CC) members.
“We called a special joint CEC-CC meeting and discussed the laws recently announced by the [government] which are very crucial for us,” said CEC member Ohn Kyaing. “We brainstormed ways to make our stand and what to do.”
He said that the plenary meeting will include party members from different administrative regions in Burma and will decide on whether to register the party for elections, rumoured to be in October this year.
He added that the majority of the NLD’s 300 offices have been reopened and work had resumed after permission was granted by the government. The offices were closed in the wake of the 2003 Depayin massacre, in which 70 NLD supporters were beaten to death by a junta-backed mob.
But the government’s decision to allow the offices to reopen appears to conflict with election laws that much of the international community has condemned for the severe restrictions they place on opposition contenders.
The Philippines’ foreign secretary Alberto Romulo yesterday said that the laws were “contrary to the ‘road map to democracy’ that they [Burmese junta] pledged to [the Association of Southeast Asian Nations] and to the world”.
He added that he would directly press his Burmese counterpart, Nyan Win, during a meeting this week in Manila of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM).
The elections are beset by controversy, not least because detained NLD leader Aung San Suu Kyi is barred from participating.
Election laws announced last week also state that her party must expel Suu Kyi if it wants to compete, and officially annul the result of Burma’s last elections in 1990, which the NLD won by a landslide.
The party’s 20-strong Central Executive Committee (CEC) met yesterday to formalise plans to hold the plenary meeting on 29 March, which will incorporate another 108 Central Committee (CC) members.
“We called a special joint CEC-CC meeting and discussed the laws recently announced by the [government] which are very crucial for us,” said CEC member Ohn Kyaing. “We brainstormed ways to make our stand and what to do.”
He said that the plenary meeting will include party members from different administrative regions in Burma and will decide on whether to register the party for elections, rumoured to be in October this year.
He added that the majority of the NLD’s 300 offices have been reopened and work had resumed after permission was granted by the government. The offices were closed in the wake of the 2003 Depayin massacre, in which 70 NLD supporters were beaten to death by a junta-backed mob.
But the government’s decision to allow the offices to reopen appears to conflict with election laws that much of the international community has condemned for the severe restrictions they place on opposition contenders.
The Philippines’ foreign secretary Alberto Romulo yesterday said that the laws were “contrary to the ‘road map to democracy’ that they [Burmese junta] pledged to [the Association of Southeast Asian Nations] and to the world”.
He added that he would directly press his Burmese counterpart, Nyan Win, during a meeting this week in Manila of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM).
Sunday, 14 March 2010
政治的抑圧。ビルマの人々は自己決定権を、最も基本的人権は、国連が認識を拒否されている。軍事政権は1962年以来、ビルマ支配している。 1988年に政権を掌握、現在の政権は、1990年に国政選挙を許可、その損失を認識を拒否し、選挙以降、民主主義、アウンサンスーチーさん、12歳のための反対、ナショナルリーグの指導者に限定しています。仏教の僧侶とビルマの市民数千人の2007年9月、"自由、民主主義と人権を尊重を要求する平和的なデモが起きた。"軍事政権の僧侶と非武装の民間人のデモ隊の暴力的な取り締まりで、これらのデモには、"10年の結果[政府は現在、15を認める]と、約4,000人の刑は、政権によると、答えた。外交筋は、しかし、状態その人が死亡、負傷者の数は、投獄はるか公式には報告を上回っている。"[2]がデモ隊に、最近の取り締まりに続いて、国連人権理事会の決議に強く、"ミャンマーの平和的なデモの継続的な暴力的な抑圧ついとう渡されます。 "[3]
ビルマは、国連安全保障理事会による制裁を逃れている。ビルマ軍事政権による人権侵害の証拠と広範囲にも記載。国連憲章の下での義務に違反して、この国は国民の自己決定権を他の基本的人権と基本的自由の憲章で共有さを損なうに加えて、否定している。政府は、推定540,000人が国内避難するなど、数千数百の近隣諸国に避難させたが、少数民族に対する悪質なキャンペーンを実施しています。[12]安全保障理事会は、制裁にビルマ甚だしく違反に失敗した憲章の中央の条項またはその難民危機を作成して、そのアクションのため。ビルマの状況を無視して数年後には、安全保障理事会ミャンマーでの正式議題2006年9月には、議論のためのアイテムを高めるため、理事会のすべてのメンバが可能な場所を可決した。[13]これによる行動拍車をかけていない理事会、しかし。米国と英国の解像度は、ビルマ政府の少数民族居住地域での民間人に対する攻撃を停止するよう呼びかけて主催し、今年1月に2007年、ロシアと中国からの拒否権を行使するために渡すことができなかった政治的自由と人権上の制限を解除する[14] 10月11、2007、ステートメントは、安全保障理事会は大統領が強く、政治的弾圧を嘆いたと政府と呼ばれる政治犯を釈放する。[15] 11月15日安全保障理事会プレスリリースは、これらの懸念を改めて表明し、規定では、安全保障理事会"のメンバーその意図を綿密に検討の下で、ミャンマーの発展を維持することを確認"[16]国連人権理事会[17]、第3委員会総会、[18]自分のクレジットカードには、両方の決議を、ビルマの状況を非難している。ただし、これらの解像度以外の結合され、最小限には、ビルマの軍事政権に影響を与える場合、すべての。
国連の支援から、ビルマの利点。として、欧米諸国の制裁を削減外国からの援助を適用して、ビルマ政府は、ますます支援のための国連に頼っている。国連とその傘下機関、ビルマは2002年から2005年まで218000000ドル費やした。 2005年には、これらの資金の70%以上は、国連開発計画(UNDP)、ユニセフと世界食糧計画に費やされた。他の国連組織、ビルマのアクティブな提携は、世界保健機関は、国連難民高等弁務官を含めると、国連人口基金は、国連薬物犯罪事務所、国連食糧農業機関(FAO)は、国際労働組織、および国連合同プログラムのHIV /エイズ計画(UNAIDS)[19]は、UNDPの運営委員会ものの、"直接体制を通じて、草の根レベルでは、ビルマの人々としないと動作するようにUNDPの監督している、"他の国連機関が採用していないと同様の制限[20]加えて、どのように国連開発計画委員会の方向性が実装されるかを確認することは困難です。 GAOは、ミャンマー政権によると:
国際機関関係者は、制度を自分たちの活動.... 2004年から制限になっていた我々に通告政権も、より密接に政権と動作するようにいくつかの国際機関に圧力をかけ始めているの統一連帯開発協会などの政治的動員のグループが参加した。ビルマの幹部、国連関係者は、2004年以来の政権よりもはるかに困難な国連機関のためのオペレーティング環境をしたと語りました。 [21]
にアクセスし、その実施に制限し、カレン州のほとんどの地域では彼らのプログラムを監視。 [ビルマ政府は15]の規制2006年12月、国連機関の仕事をカバーをリリース、そのような制限のための動きを制限すると'を防ぐために必要と判断された不愉快な事件'。この方法では、ビルマの[軍事政権]は、民間人以上の軍の統制を主張するのはまだ別の手段として、教育プログラムの国連へのアクセスを利用することができます。[23]
ときにのみ、最近の弾圧に対する国際社会の怒りを西欧諸国とASEAN諸国からの厳しい非難から増加した制裁の沈殿は、安全保障理事会は、国連人権理事会は、ビルマ政府が反応しなかった。政府特使の国を訪問し、野党の指導者と会うように合意した。また、国Piniero後ろに彼の4年ぶりの人権状況を評価するために許可され、彼の使命です。 [26]それは、政治犯の最近のデモで逮捕された多くのリリースは完全に提案者アウンサンスーチーさんとの交渉を却下していない。
国連安全保障理事会による対ビルマ制裁を上位語、すべての国連加盟国が含まれています。それは、軍事政権の動作を変更したいと考えて国際社会がビルマに多くの困難にラインを取る必要があります。これまでは、ほんの少数の国を適用して制裁を自分たちの非難に同行する。ほとんどの部分については、これらの国々は単に既存の制裁を強化した。[30]の場合、ビルマのピンチを感じるためには、制裁措置は、近所の人や主な貿易相手国:中国、インド、シンガポール、タイ、他のASEAN諸国によって適用される必要があります。評議会の資産の武器禁輸とフリーズする - そして、これらの仲間や支持者 - バインディング、国連安全保障理事会決議を経て実際の圧力をそのことについて少し他に気に政権に負担をもたらすことができます。まで、この問題が発生、ミャンマーはほとんど結果を感じるだろう。米国は再び安全保障理事会は対ビルマ制裁を拡大するための最も適切な手段として、制裁を求める必要があります。にもかかわらず、そのような努力可能性が高い中国でブロックされ、彼らは、ビルマの状況とは、軍事政権の非妥協的にだけでなく、中国の努力を自分のクライアントをサポートするための注意を維持します。
[1]国連、"国連憲章の"前文では、www.un.orgで/ aboutun /チャーター/ index.htmlを開く。
[3]国連人権理事会"ミャンマーの人権状況"決議案は、5月1日、2007年10月2日、www.ohchr.orgで/英語/団体/ hrcouncil / docsに/ specialsession / A.HRC.RES 。S.5 - 1.pdf。
[4]事務局民主主義、人権、労働、米国務省は、"ビルマ、"カントリーレポート人権プラクティス2006年3月6、2007、上でwww.state.gov/g/drl/rls/hrrpt/ 2006/78768.htm。
[6]フィギュア定数を2005ドルにあります。組織の経済協力と開発、国際開発統計/ DACの/統計/ idsonline www.oecd.orgで。
[8]エドCropley、"5万人がミャンマーでは空腹だ - WFPは、"ロイター、2007年10月18日、www.reuters.com/article/latestCrisis/idUSBKK340630で。
[9]は、会計検査院によれば、"米国はビルマ語の品物の輸入を禁止して、ビルマに米国人による金融サービスや武器の輸出は、ビルマでの新たな米国の投資は高位ビルマ当局は禁じられているアメリカ合衆国を訪れる。"オーストラリア、カナダ、EUの制裁措置を採用するのは、米国に参加している。 、"国際機関アメリカ合衆国会計検査院参照してください:援助プログラムのビルマでは、"レポートNo。GAOは- 07 - 457、p.制約8時www.gao.gov/new.items/d07457.pdf。
[11]は、会計検査院によると、"中国は、輸入のビルマの最大の単一のソース(約30%、2005年)として浮上して、ビルマでの商業的存在感を増しており、ビルマ語、輸出のための強力な市場になることに加え、現在のビルマの首相が2006年2月に北京を訪問し、助成金や譲許的融資とビルマを提供する中国政府関係者との協定に調印した。"参照してくださいGAOは、"国際機関:援助プログラムのビルマの制約、"p. 8。
[13]国連広報局は、"安全保障理事会は、手続きのアクションでは、投票数、その議題にミャンマーの人権状況を含むように、"安全保障理事会文書SC/8832、2006年9月15日、でwww.un.org/ News/Press/docs/2006/sc8832.doc.htm。
[14]国連広報局は、"安全保障理事会ミャンマーで決議案を採択し、中国、ロシア連邦による負の票により、"失敗した安全保障理事会文書SC/8939、2007年1月12日、www.un.orgで/ News/Press/docs/2007/sc8939.doc.htm。
[15]国連広報局は、"声明では、大統領は安全保障理事会で、"安全保障理事会文書S/PRST/2007/37、2007年10月11日、時/ static/reportimages/88AEF0267AFCC5797562DB25838E689A.pdf。
[18]第3委員会決議を何回も、ビルマの人権侵害を非難を可決した。ビルマで最も最近の決議"と呼んさらに逮捕者と平和的なデモへの暴力から、やめるための条件なしにすべての政治犯を釈放する[と]で平和的な政治活動上のすべての規制を解除する、完全に特別報告者と協力して、すぐに国連や国際人道支援団体のミャンマーのすべての部分への安全で妨げられていないアクセスを確保する。" 、"第3委員会の承認三国、野党開発途上国の主導にもかかわらず、人権に関する具体的なテキスト、国連広報局を参照して、"総会資料GA/SHC/3909、2007年11月20日、www.un.orgで/ニュース/ Press/docs/2007/gashc3909.doc.htm。
[19]会計検査院、"国際機関:援助プログラムのビルマの制約、"所蔵。 8-11。
[20]会計検査院、"国際機関:援助プログラムのビルマの制約、"所蔵。 8-11。
[21]会計検査院、"国際機関:援助プログラムのビルマでは、"所蔵制約。 16-19。
[23]カレン人権グループは、"開発令:貧困と制御カレン州内の政治、"2007年4月所蔵。 86-87、でwww.khrg.org/khrg2007/khrg0701.pdf。
[25]会計検査院、"国際機関:援助プログラムのビルマの制約、"p. 25。
[29]国連ニュースセンター、"インセンティブ'www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=24334&Cr=myanmar&Cr1で - 国連特使、"2007年10月18日、右thing'を行うミャンマーつながる可能性があります。
[30]米国は、2007年10月には対ビルマ制裁を拡大した欧州連合2007年11月の制裁を強化した。ニールチャタジーを参照して、"米国のミャンマー曇らせるとして新憲章ASEAN諸国を批判、"ロイター、2007年11月20日、http://in.reuters.com/article/businessNews/idINIndia-30578820071119では、とEN -ライヨーとジェイムズG Neuger、"EUの引き締め措置としてミャンマーセット5532-7042憲章には、"ブルームバーグ2007年11月19日、www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601080&sid=aZC4reb_fXyU http://www.heritage.org/Research/Reportsで/ 2007/11/The-UN-Must-Stop-Enabling-the-Burmese-Regimeこの記事は、2007年11月27日にブレットシェーファーが出版され、再度、ビルマ民主の懸念(BDC)にし再掲
政治的抑圧。ビルマの人々は自己決定権を、最も基本的人権は、国連が認識を拒否されている。軍事政権は1962年以来、ビルマ支配している。 1988年に政権を掌握、現在の政権は、1990年に国政選挙を許可、その損失を認識を拒否し、選挙以降、民主主義、アウンサンスーチーさん、12歳のための反対、ナショナルリーグの指導者に限定しています。仏教の僧侶とビルマの市民数千人の2007年9月、"自由、民主主義と人権を尊重を要求する平和的なデモが起きた。"軍事政権の僧侶と非武装の民間人のデモ隊の暴力的な取り締まりで、これらのデモには、"10年の結果[政府は現在、15を認める]と、約4,000人の刑は、政権によると、答えた。外交筋は、しかし、状態その人が死亡、負傷者の数は、投獄はるか公式には報告を上回っている。"[2]がデモ隊に、最近の取り締まりに続いて、国連人権理事会の決議に強く、"ミャンマーの平和的なデモの継続的な暴力的な抑圧ついとう渡されます。 "[3]
ビルマは、国連安全保障理事会による制裁を逃れている。ビルマ軍事政権による人権侵害の証拠と広範囲にも記載。国連憲章の下での義務に違反して、この国は国民の自己決定権を他の基本的人権と基本的自由の憲章で共有さを損なうに加えて、否定している。政府は、推定540,000人が国内避難するなど、数千数百の近隣諸国に避難させたが、少数民族に対する悪質なキャンペーンを実施しています。[12]安全保障理事会は、制裁にビルマ甚だしく違反に失敗した憲章の中央の条項またはその難民危機を作成して、そのアクションのため。ビルマの状況を無視して数年後には、安全保障理事会ミャンマーでの正式議題2006年9月には、議論のためのアイテムを高めるため、理事会のすべてのメンバが可能な場所を可決した。[13]これによる行動拍車をかけていない理事会、しかし。米国と英国の解像度は、ビルマ政府の少数民族居住地域での民間人に対する攻撃を停止するよう呼びかけて主催し、今年1月に2007年、ロシアと中国からの拒否権を行使するために渡すことができなかった政治的自由と人権上の制限を解除する[14] 10月11、2007、ステートメントは、安全保障理事会は大統領が強く、政治的弾圧を嘆いたと政府と呼ばれる政治犯を釈放する。[15] 11月15日安全保障理事会プレスリリースは、これらの懸念を改めて表明し、規定では、安全保障理事会"のメンバーその意図を綿密に検討の下で、ミャンマーの発展を維持することを確認"[16]国連人権理事会[17]、第3委員会総会、[18]自分のクレジットカードには、両方の決議を、ビルマの状況を非難している。ただし、これらの解像度以外の結合され、最小限には、ビルマの軍事政権に影響を与える場合、すべての。
国連の支援から、ビルマの利点。として、欧米諸国の制裁を削減外国からの援助を適用して、ビルマ政府は、ますます支援のための国連に頼っている。国連とその傘下機関、ビルマは2002年から2005年まで218000000ドル費やした。 2005年には、これらの資金の70%以上は、国連開発計画(UNDP)、ユニセフと世界食糧計画に費やされた。他の国連組織、ビルマのアクティブな提携は、世界保健機関は、国連難民高等弁務官を含めると、国連人口基金は、国連薬物犯罪事務所、国連食糧農業機関(FAO)は、国際労働組織、および国連合同プログラムのHIV /エイズ計画(UNAIDS)[19]は、UNDPの運営委員会ものの、"直接体制を通じて、草の根レベルでは、ビルマの人々としないと動作するようにUNDPの監督している、"他の国連機関が採用していないと同様の制限[20]加えて、どのように国連開発計画委員会の方向性が実装されるかを確認することは困難です。 GAOは、ミャンマー政権によると:
国際機関関係者は、制度を自分たちの活動.... 2004年から制限になっていた我々に通告政権も、より密接に政権と動作するようにいくつかの国際機関に圧力をかけ始めているの統一連帯開発協会などの政治的動員のグループが参加した。ビルマの幹部、国連関係者は、2004年以来の政権よりもはるかに困難な国連機関のためのオペレーティング環境をしたと語りました。 [21]
にアクセスし、その実施に制限し、カレン州のほとんどの地域では彼らのプログラムを監視。 [ビルマ政府は15]の規制2006年12月、国連機関の仕事をカバーをリリース、そのような制限のための動きを制限すると'を防ぐために必要と判断された不愉快な事件'。この方法では、ビルマの[軍事政権]は、民間人以上の軍の統制を主張するのはまだ別の手段として、教育プログラムの国連へのアクセスを利用することができます。[23]
ときにのみ、最近の弾圧に対する国際社会の怒りを西欧諸国とASEAN諸国からの厳しい非難から増加した制裁の沈殿は、安全保障理事会は、国連人権理事会は、ビルマ政府が反応しなかった。政府特使の国を訪問し、野党の指導者と会うように合意した。また、国Piniero後ろに彼の4年ぶりの人権状況を評価するために許可され、彼の使命です。 [26]それは、政治犯の最近のデモで逮捕された多くのリリースは完全に提案者アウンサンスーチーさんとの交渉を却下していない。
国連安全保障理事会による対ビルマ制裁を上位語、すべての国連加盟国が含まれています。それは、軍事政権の動作を変更したいと考えて国際社会がビルマに多くの困難にラインを取る必要があります。これまでは、ほんの少数の国を適用して制裁を自分たちの非難に同行する。ほとんどの部分については、これらの国々は単に既存の制裁を強化した。[30]の場合、ビルマのピンチを感じるためには、制裁措置は、近所の人や主な貿易相手国:中国、インド、シンガポール、タイ、他のASEAN諸国によって適用される必要があります。評議会の資産の武器禁輸とフリーズする - そして、これらの仲間や支持者 - バインディング、国連安全保障理事会決議を経て実際の圧力をそのことについて少し他に気に政権に負担をもたらすことができます。まで、この問題が発生、ミャンマーはほとんど結果を感じるだろう。米国は再び安全保障理事会は対ビルマ制裁を拡大するための最も適切な手段として、制裁を求める必要があります。にもかかわらず、そのような努力可能性が高い中国でブロックされ、彼らは、ビルマの状況とは、軍事政権の非妥協的にだけでなく、中国の努力を自分のクライアントをサポートするための注意を維持します。
[1]国連、"国連憲章の"前文では、www.un.orgで/ aboutun /チャーター/ index.htmlを開く。
[3]国連人権理事会"ミャンマーの人権状況"決議案は、5月1日、2007年10月2日、www.ohchr.orgで/英語/団体/ hrcouncil / docsに/ specialsession / A.HRC.RES 。S.5 - 1.pdf。
[4]事務局民主主義、人権、労働、米国務省は、"ビルマ、"カントリーレポート人権プラクティス2006年3月6、2007、上でwww.state.gov/g/drl/rls/hrrpt/ 2006/78768.htm。
[6]フィギュア定数を2005ドルにあります。組織の経済協力と開発、国際開発統計/ DACの/統計/ idsonline www.oecd.orgで。
[8]エドCropley、"5万人がミャンマーでは空腹だ - WFPは、"ロイター、2007年10月18日、www.reuters.com/article/latestCrisis/idUSBKK340630で。
[9]は、会計検査院によれば、"米国はビルマ語の品物の輸入を禁止して、ビルマに米国人による金融サービスや武器の輸出は、ビルマでの新たな米国の投資は高位ビルマ当局は禁じられているアメリカ合衆国を訪れる。"オーストラリア、カナダ、EUの制裁措置を採用するのは、米国に参加している。 、"国際機関アメリカ合衆国会計検査院参照してください:援助プログラムのビルマでは、"レポートNo。GAOは- 07 - 457、p.制約8時www.gao.gov/new.items/d07457.pdf。
[11]は、会計検査院によると、"中国は、輸入のビルマの最大の単一のソース(約30%、2005年)として浮上して、ビルマでの商業的存在感を増しており、ビルマ語、輸出のための強力な市場になることに加え、現在のビルマの首相が2006年2月に北京を訪問し、助成金や譲許的融資とビルマを提供する中国政府関係者との協定に調印した。"参照してくださいGAOは、"国際機関:援助プログラムのビルマの制約、"p. 8。
[13]国連広報局は、"安全保障理事会は、手続きのアクションでは、投票数、その議題にミャンマーの人権状況を含むように、"安全保障理事会文書SC/8832、2006年9月15日、でwww.un.org/ News/Press/docs/2006/sc8832.doc.htm。
[14]国連広報局は、"安全保障理事会ミャンマーで決議案を採択し、中国、ロシア連邦による負の票により、"失敗した安全保障理事会文書SC/8939、2007年1月12日、www.un.orgで/ News/Press/docs/2007/sc8939.doc.htm。
[15]国連広報局は、"声明では、大統領は安全保障理事会で、"安全保障理事会文書S/PRST/2007/37、2007年10月11日、時/ static/reportimages/88AEF0267AFCC5797562DB25838E689A.pdf。
[18]第3委員会決議を何回も、ビルマの人権侵害を非難を可決した。ビルマで最も最近の決議"と呼んさらに逮捕者と平和的なデモへの暴力から、やめるための条件なしにすべての政治犯を釈放する[と]で平和的な政治活動上のすべての規制を解除する、完全に特別報告者と協力して、すぐに国連や国際人道支援団体のミャンマーのすべての部分への安全で妨げられていないアクセスを確保する。" 、"第3委員会の承認三国、野党開発途上国の主導にもかかわらず、人権に関する具体的なテキスト、国連広報局を参照して、"総会資料GA/SHC/3909、2007年11月20日、www.un.orgで/ニュース/ Press/docs/2007/gashc3909.doc.htm。
[19]会計検査院、"国際機関:援助プログラムのビルマの制約、"所蔵。 8-11。
[20]会計検査院、"国際機関:援助プログラムのビルマの制約、"所蔵。 8-11。
[21]会計検査院、"国際機関:援助プログラムのビルマでは、"所蔵制約。 16-19。
[23]カレン人権グループは、"開発令:貧困と制御カレン州内の政治、"2007年4月所蔵。 86-87、でwww.khrg.org/khrg2007/khrg0701.pdf。
[25]会計検査院、"国際機関:援助プログラムのビルマの制約、"p. 25。
[29]国連ニュースセンター、"インセンティブ'www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=24334&Cr=myanmar&Cr1で - 国連特使、"2007年10月18日、右thing'を行うミャンマーつながる可能性があります。
[30]米国は、2007年10月には対ビルマ制裁を拡大した欧州連合2007年11月の制裁を強化した。ニールチャタジーを参照して、"米国のミャンマー曇らせるとして新憲章ASEAN諸国を批判、"ロイター、2007年11月20日、http://in.reuters.com/article/businessNews/idINIndia-30578820071119では、とEN -ライヨーとジェイムズG Neuger、"EUの引き締め措置としてミャンマーセット5532-7042憲章には、"ブルームバーグ2007年11月19日、www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601080&sid=aZC4reb_fXyU http://www.heritage.org/Research/Reportsで/ 2007/11/The-UN-Must-Stop-Enabling-the-Burmese-Regimeこの記事は、2007年11月27日にブレットシェーファーが出版され、再度、ビルマ民主の懸念(BDC)にし再掲
Friday, 12 March 2010
ジレンマ場合、NLDの希望は、法的な存在を保持するためには、彼らのリーダーとして、または、アウンサンスーチー氏を追放する他のパーティの解散に直面している。場合、NLDの登録に同意するものは、彼らが"シュエ支持を放棄する必要があります- Goneので注文ビルマの真の国民和解を含むように配置する必要が宣言"Daingを意味する。
詳細については、ビルマの民主懸念(BDC)の時に連絡先の墓テイン、監督してください00-44-78 7788 2386または00-44-20 8493 9137。
•場合は、この国は、1990年の総選挙の結果を認識しなければならない真の民主主義を実現する。としては、人々に認識されているこれは、軍事政権によって、認識される必要がありますし、世界的規模で。それはこのような認識を介して、私たちビルマの真の進歩を遂げることができるということです。 1990年の総選挙の結果は、決議案はすでに国連で撮影したとして実装される必要があります。我々はすでに、国連総会は、国連の概念は、国民の意思を1990年の総選挙で表明されている可知っている。これは私達を捨てることができないものです。場合、後に総選挙の結果を開催してきた私たちの国の犠牲にされる光栄にされていません、私たちの試みはtrivialiseに抵抗はありません。
•私たちは、非常にしっかりと総会決議*ビルマの上で、国連の常任してください。できるだけ早く解決の条件を実装しようとするようになる。そして、我々は、国連とこれをサポートする国際社会全体のようになります。 (* 2002年11月19日には、国連総会の決議に強く、民主主義を回復し、1990年の総選挙の結果を実装し、確保するため、ミャンマーの政府"を促す[...]民主化に向けた実質的かつ構造化された対話には、遅滞なく採択と国民和解[...]無条件かつ即座にすべての政治犯を釈放する。")
•アウンサンスーチー女史と彼女の当事者は、国民民主連盟(NLD)のは、1990年総選挙の全会一致の勝者が、明らかに"シュエ内の位置に記載の- Goneは、ダイン"宣言の中で、真の国民和解を含むように配置する必要がビルマではすなわち、
•軍事政権は、議席の25%を与える権威コントロールと自己人道に反する犯罪に対する恩赦を提供抑えのきかないされた真のではなく、ビルマの人々です。犯罪政権を正当化もなかった人々の意志とは、この理解とは完全にビルマの人々に受け入れています。 2008年の憲法の本質は無期限にそれを実装する2010年の選挙処罰を保証することです。したがって、我々は、国連安全保障理事会はビルマの2008年の憲法の無効を求めています。
ジレンマ場合、NLDの希望は、法的な存在を保持するためには、彼らのリーダーとして、または、アウンサンスーチー氏を追放する他のパーティの解散に直面している。場合、NLDの登録に同意するものは、彼らが"シュエ支持を放棄する必要があります- Goneので注文ビルマの真の国民和解を含むように配置する必要が宣言"Daingを意味する。
詳細については、ビルマの民主懸念(BDC)の時に連絡先の墓テイン、監督してください00-44-78 7788 2386または00-44-20 8493 9137。
•場合は、この国は、1990年の総選挙の結果を認識しなければならない真の民主主義を実現する。としては、人々に認識されているこれは、軍事政権によって、認識される必要がありますし、世界的規模で。それはこのような認識を介して、私たちビルマの真の進歩を遂げることができるということです。 1990年の総選挙の結果は、決議案はすでに国連で撮影したとして実装される必要があります。我々はすでに、国連総会は、国連の概念は、国民の意思を1990年の総選挙で表明されている可知っている。これは私達を捨てることができないものです。場合、後に総選挙の結果を開催してきた私たちの国の犠牲にされる光栄にされていません、私たちの試みはtrivialiseに抵抗はありません。
•私たちは、非常にしっかりと総会決議*ビルマの上で、国連の常任してください。できるだけ早く解決の条件を実装しようとするようになる。そして、我々は、国連とこれをサポートする国際社会全体のようになります。 (* 2002年11月19日には、国連総会の決議に強く、民主主義を回復し、1990年の総選挙の結果を実装し、確保するため、ミャンマーの政府"を促す[...]民主化に向けた実質的かつ構造化された対話には、遅滞なく採択と国民和解[...]無条件かつ即座にすべての政治犯を釈放する。")
•アウンサンスーチー女史と彼女の当事者は、国民民主連盟(NLD)のは、1990年総選挙の全会一致の勝者が、明らかに"シュエ内の位置に記載の- Goneは、ダイン"宣言の中で、真の国民和解を含むように配置する必要がビルマではすなわち、
•軍事政権は、議席の25%を与える権威コントロールと自己人道に反する犯罪に対する恩赦を提供抑えのきかないされた真のではなく、ビルマの人々です。犯罪政権を正当化もなかった人々の意志とは、この理解とは完全にビルマの人々に受け入れています。 2008年の憲法の本質は無期限にそれを実装する2010年の選挙処罰を保証することです。したがって、我々は、国連安全保障理事会はビルマの2008年の憲法の無効を求めています。
Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) calls for UNSC Emergency Meeting: Time to take immediate action
Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) calls for UNSC Emergency Meeting: Time to take immediate action
11 March 2010
Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) calls for United Nations Security Council to convene emergency meeting since Burma crisis is in very critical situation. We must take action decisively and collectively in order to intervene Burma crisis so as to avoid total devastating.
Burmese junta is fully geared up to extinguish democracy, human rights and rule of law in Burma. Junta is touching its final brush to eliminate all the democratic voices by issuing its so-called the electoral law on 8 March 2010 which effectively turning their back on national reconciliation in Burma.
The so-called junta’s electoral law states that political parties are prohibited from having a prisoner as a party member; it means Aung San Suu Kyi or all the political prisoners cannot participate in the election. Addition, the junta announced that within 60 days from the announcement date, the final deadline will be on 7 May 2010; the current legal parties such as NLD have to register to take part in 2010 election which will legitimise military rule in Burma or face the cessation of to existing as legal party.
The dilemma is that if NLD wanted to hold the legal existence, they have to expel Aung San Suu Kyi as their leader or else face dissolving the party. If NLD agrees to register, it means they have to give up upholding the “Shwe-Gone-Daing” declaration that need to place in order to have true national reconciliation in Burma.
Junta is all doing this because international community fails to take action practically in the past. International community is misled by junta and fall into the regime’s lies for more than 20 years now.
We would like to give message to the world leaders that “To bring about justice realities in Burma, UNSC must take action practically. For many decades we have been scarifying thousands of lives to bring about justice realities in Burma. How many more lives need to die in order to take practical action on Burma. How many years more do we need to wait to take practical action on Burma?”
We call for United Nations Security Council to intervene in this very critical situation or else Burma will face turmoil. We would like to urge all the justice loving people around the world to call for United Nations Security Council to take practical action on Burma.
For more information please contact Myo Thein, the Director at the Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) on 00-44-78 7788 2386 or 00-44-20 8493 9137.
Must do UNSC actions on Burma:
1. UNSC must declare that it won’t recognize junta’s planned 2010 election and its results
2. UNSC must declare junta’s sham 2008 constitution as NULL and VOID
3. UNSC must implement the successive UN General Assembly Resolution on Burma calling for “to restore democracy and implement the results of the 1990 election”
4. UNSC must declare that it will recognise Aung San Suu Kyi led National League for Democracy (NLD) as the legitimate Government of Burma mandated by people of Burma in 1990 general election
Background information:
• The very junta held the election in 1990 in which Aung San Suu Kyi led NLD party won the landslide victory. But, junta still ignores to honour the 1990 election results until now and again they are planning to hold election in 2010 to nullify 1990 election result as well as in order to legitimise military rule in Burma. Our legitimate leader, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, had foreseen regime’s cunning plans so that she had already expressed her views on what we must do regarding the importance of implementing 1990 election results.
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi said:
• The results of these elections will remain valid until such time as the Members of Parliament elected in 1990 by the people have had a chance to get together and decide what the next step is going to be. The world has to make certain that the outcome of these elections is honoured.
• If this country is to achieve genuine democracy, the result of the elections of 1990 must be recognized. It must be recognized by the military regime, as it has been recognized by the people, and by the world at large. It is through this recognition that we will be able to make genuine progress in Burma. The results of the 1990 General Elections must be implemented as a resolution already taken by the United Nations. We already know that the General Assembly of the United Nations has accepted the notion that the will of the people has been expressed in the 1990 General Elections. This is something we cannot abandon. It will be to the detriment of our country if after an election has been held the results are not honoured and we do not resist attempts to trivialise it.
• We stand firm for implementation of the results of the 1990 general elections.
• To ignore the result of the 1990 elections is to have total disrespect for the people and is also an insult to the people.
• We would like to see the UN standing very firmly by the General Assembly resolution* on Burma and to try to implement the terms of the resolution as quickly as possible. And we would like the whole international community to support the UN and this. (*On November 19, 2002, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution strongly urging the Government of Myanmar “to restore democracy and implement the results of the 1990 election and to ensure [...] without delay into substantive and structured dialogue towards democratisation and national reconciliation [...] to release unconditionally and immediately all political prisoners.”)
What is 2010 election?
• The junta’s planned 2010 election is only a charade designed to legitimise the military dictatorship within Burma. With victory in their sights the junta has already made plans for after the election clearly indicating this election is a sham. Obviously there will be no need to count the votes since it would be an exercise in futility. Before we could possible address the junta’s proposed 2010 election we must address the validity of the recently adapted constitution.
What is “Shwe-Gone-Daing” Declaration?
• Aung San Suu Kyi and her party the National League for Democracy (NLD), the unanimous victors of the 1990 election, clearly stated their position in the “Shwe-Gone-Dine” Declaration that need to place in order to have true national reconciliation in Burma, i.e. to
1. Release all the political prisoners
2. Review 2008 Constitution
3. Recognise 1990 election result
4. Take place political dialogue
What is 2008 constitution?
• Drafted by the junta, this document is far from credible or constitutional. Free, fair and all inclusive is not what this document represents. The International Community should be aware of the hopelessly irreconcilable contents of the constitution that was adopted in 2008. The referendum was ushered into existence under questionable conditions including extortion and rigged ballots. We would like to draw particular attention on these points:
1. The Junta gave itself amnesty from the crimes against humanity it has perpetrated throughout Burma during their reign of terror.
2. The Military regime systematically took 25% of the parliamentary seats. The military commander in chief was also given absolute authority to dissolve the parliament at any time effectively neutralizing the voice of the people.
• Giving the military junta 25% of the parliamentary seats, unbridled authoritarian control and a self serving amnesty for the crimes against humanity were truly not the will of the Burmese people. Legitimizing the criminal regime was also not the will of the people and this is incomprehensible and totally unacceptable to the Burmese people. The essence of the 2008 Constitution is to guarantee impunity indefinitely and the 2010 election will implement it. Therefore, we are calling for the nullification of the Burma’s 2008 Constitution by the UN Security Council.
What you can DO?
• Please sign the petition “Implement 1990 election results in Burma” http://www.gopetition.com/online/22158.html
• Please call for your government to call for United Nations Security Council emergency meeting
• Please call for your government to call for United Nations Security Council to declare junta’s sham 2008 constitution as NULL & VOID
• Please call for your government to declare Aung San Suu Kyi led National League for Democracy (NLD) as the legitimate Government of Burma
• Please call for your government to not to recognise junta’s planned sham 2010 elections and its results
11 March 2010
Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) calls for United Nations Security Council to convene emergency meeting since Burma crisis is in very critical situation. We must take action decisively and collectively in order to intervene Burma crisis so as to avoid total devastating.
Burmese junta is fully geared up to extinguish democracy, human rights and rule of law in Burma. Junta is touching its final brush to eliminate all the democratic voices by issuing its so-called the electoral law on 8 March 2010 which effectively turning their back on national reconciliation in Burma.
The so-called junta’s electoral law states that political parties are prohibited from having a prisoner as a party member; it means Aung San Suu Kyi or all the political prisoners cannot participate in the election. Addition, the junta announced that within 60 days from the announcement date, the final deadline will be on 7 May 2010; the current legal parties such as NLD have to register to take part in 2010 election which will legitimise military rule in Burma or face the cessation of to existing as legal party.
The dilemma is that if NLD wanted to hold the legal existence, they have to expel Aung San Suu Kyi as their leader or else face dissolving the party. If NLD agrees to register, it means they have to give up upholding the “Shwe-Gone-Daing” declaration that need to place in order to have true national reconciliation in Burma.
Junta is all doing this because international community fails to take action practically in the past. International community is misled by junta and fall into the regime’s lies for more than 20 years now.
We would like to give message to the world leaders that “To bring about justice realities in Burma, UNSC must take action practically. For many decades we have been scarifying thousands of lives to bring about justice realities in Burma. How many more lives need to die in order to take practical action on Burma. How many years more do we need to wait to take practical action on Burma?”
We call for United Nations Security Council to intervene in this very critical situation or else Burma will face turmoil. We would like to urge all the justice loving people around the world to call for United Nations Security Council to take practical action on Burma.
For more information please contact Myo Thein, the Director at the Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) on 00-44-78 7788 2386 or 00-44-20 8493 9137.
Must do UNSC actions on Burma:
1. UNSC must declare that it won’t recognize junta’s planned 2010 election and its results
2. UNSC must declare junta’s sham 2008 constitution as NULL and VOID
3. UNSC must implement the successive UN General Assembly Resolution on Burma calling for “to restore democracy and implement the results of the 1990 election”
4. UNSC must declare that it will recognise Aung San Suu Kyi led National League for Democracy (NLD) as the legitimate Government of Burma mandated by people of Burma in 1990 general election
Background information:
• The very junta held the election in 1990 in which Aung San Suu Kyi led NLD party won the landslide victory. But, junta still ignores to honour the 1990 election results until now and again they are planning to hold election in 2010 to nullify 1990 election result as well as in order to legitimise military rule in Burma. Our legitimate leader, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, had foreseen regime’s cunning plans so that she had already expressed her views on what we must do regarding the importance of implementing 1990 election results.
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi said:
• The results of these elections will remain valid until such time as the Members of Parliament elected in 1990 by the people have had a chance to get together and decide what the next step is going to be. The world has to make certain that the outcome of these elections is honoured.
• If this country is to achieve genuine democracy, the result of the elections of 1990 must be recognized. It must be recognized by the military regime, as it has been recognized by the people, and by the world at large. It is through this recognition that we will be able to make genuine progress in Burma. The results of the 1990 General Elections must be implemented as a resolution already taken by the United Nations. We already know that the General Assembly of the United Nations has accepted the notion that the will of the people has been expressed in the 1990 General Elections. This is something we cannot abandon. It will be to the detriment of our country if after an election has been held the results are not honoured and we do not resist attempts to trivialise it.
• We stand firm for implementation of the results of the 1990 general elections.
• To ignore the result of the 1990 elections is to have total disrespect for the people and is also an insult to the people.
• We would like to see the UN standing very firmly by the General Assembly resolution* on Burma and to try to implement the terms of the resolution as quickly as possible. And we would like the whole international community to support the UN and this. (*On November 19, 2002, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution strongly urging the Government of Myanmar “to restore democracy and implement the results of the 1990 election and to ensure [...] without delay into substantive and structured dialogue towards democratisation and national reconciliation [...] to release unconditionally and immediately all political prisoners.”)
What is 2010 election?
• The junta’s planned 2010 election is only a charade designed to legitimise the military dictatorship within Burma. With victory in their sights the junta has already made plans for after the election clearly indicating this election is a sham. Obviously there will be no need to count the votes since it would be an exercise in futility. Before we could possible address the junta’s proposed 2010 election we must address the validity of the recently adapted constitution.
What is “Shwe-Gone-Daing” Declaration?
• Aung San Suu Kyi and her party the National League for Democracy (NLD), the unanimous victors of the 1990 election, clearly stated their position in the “Shwe-Gone-Dine” Declaration that need to place in order to have true national reconciliation in Burma, i.e. to
1. Release all the political prisoners
2. Review 2008 Constitution
3. Recognise 1990 election result
4. Take place political dialogue
What is 2008 constitution?
• Drafted by the junta, this document is far from credible or constitutional. Free, fair and all inclusive is not what this document represents. The International Community should be aware of the hopelessly irreconcilable contents of the constitution that was adopted in 2008. The referendum was ushered into existence under questionable conditions including extortion and rigged ballots. We would like to draw particular attention on these points:
1. The Junta gave itself amnesty from the crimes against humanity it has perpetrated throughout Burma during their reign of terror.
2. The Military regime systematically took 25% of the parliamentary seats. The military commander in chief was also given absolute authority to dissolve the parliament at any time effectively neutralizing the voice of the people.
• Giving the military junta 25% of the parliamentary seats, unbridled authoritarian control and a self serving amnesty for the crimes against humanity were truly not the will of the Burmese people. Legitimizing the criminal regime was also not the will of the people and this is incomprehensible and totally unacceptable to the Burmese people. The essence of the 2008 Constitution is to guarantee impunity indefinitely and the 2010 election will implement it. Therefore, we are calling for the nullification of the Burma’s 2008 Constitution by the UN Security Council.
What you can DO?
• Please sign the petition “Implement 1990 election results in Burma” http://www.gopetition.com/online/22158.html
• Please call for your government to call for United Nations Security Council emergency meeting
• Please call for your government to call for United Nations Security Council to declare junta’s sham 2008 constitution as NULL & VOID
• Please call for your government to declare Aung San Suu Kyi led National League for Democracy (NLD) as the legitimate Government of Burma
• Please call for your government to not to recognise junta’s planned sham 2010 elections and its results
Tuesday, 9 March 2010
Junta Provides Details of First Election Law
RANGOON — Burma's ruling junta will appoint the commission that will have final say over the country's first elections in two decades, state-run newspapers announced Tuesday as the country's military rulers began unveiling the laws that will govern this year's balloting.
There are growing fears among pro-democracy groups that the election—a date for which has not been announced—will be weighted in favor of the military and its supporters, and the first of five election-related laws to be published is likely to increase that unease.
Residents of Rangoon listen to news on new election laws being broadcast by state-run radio as they sit at a pavement tea shop on March, 8. (Photo:AP)
The laws enacted Monday will set out the mechanisms and rules for the election and campaigning, and the conditions under which parties may participate. Details were to be released in the state-run media over the coming days.
The first explained was the Union Election Commission Law, signed by junta leader Snr-Gen Than Shwe. It stipulates that the junta will appoint a Union Election Commission with a minimum of five members including the chairman. Decisions of the body would be final.
Members, who cannot be members of political parties, must be persons "deemed prominent and reputable" by the junta, known as the State Peace and Development Council.
Burma's military government announced in early 2008 that elections would take place sometime in 2010. A 1990 election was won by the National League for Democracy party of Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi, but the military refused to hand over power.
The party of Suu Kyi, who is under house arrest until November, has not yet committed itself to taking part in the polls because it claims the new constitution of 2008 is unfair. It has clauses that would ensure that the military retains a controlling say in government and bars Suu Kyi from holding office.
The party has said the election laws will help it determine whether it will participate.
The remaining four laws are said to cover the polls for the Pyithu Hluttaw, or House of Representatives; the polls for the Amyotha Hluttaw, or House of Nationalities, the other house of parliament; the polls for Region and State parliaments; and the Political Parties Registration Law.
The national and regional legislatures will all include military personnel nominated by their commander in chief.
The 440-member House of Representatives will have 330 elected civilians and 110 military representatives; while the 224-member House of Nationalities will seat 168 elected candidates and 56 nominated by the military chief.
Suu Kyi has been detained for 14 of the past 20 years. The Supreme Court last month dismissed her latest appeal for freedom. She was convicted last August of violating the terms of her previous detention by briefly sheltering an American who swam uninvited to her lakeside home, and sentenced to a term of house arrest to end this November.
The sentence was seen as a ploy to effectively keep Suu Kyi locked up during any election campaign.
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon expressed disappointment Monday that Suu Kyi's appeal was rejected, adding that the legitimacy of the elections rests on the freedom of political prisoners.
"Most importantly, all the political prisoners, including Aung San Suu Kyi, should be released as soon as possible, so that all of them can take part in elections," Ban said.
Ban said he wrote Than Shwe about 10 days ago "first of all expressing my concern about the lack of progress and also emphasizing the importance of the election ... to be (held in) a most credible, inclusive and transparent manner."
There are growing fears among pro-democracy groups that the election—a date for which has not been announced—will be weighted in favor of the military and its supporters, and the first of five election-related laws to be published is likely to increase that unease.
Residents of Rangoon listen to news on new election laws being broadcast by state-run radio as they sit at a pavement tea shop on March, 8. (Photo:AP)
The laws enacted Monday will set out the mechanisms and rules for the election and campaigning, and the conditions under which parties may participate. Details were to be released in the state-run media over the coming days.
The first explained was the Union Election Commission Law, signed by junta leader Snr-Gen Than Shwe. It stipulates that the junta will appoint a Union Election Commission with a minimum of five members including the chairman. Decisions of the body would be final.
Members, who cannot be members of political parties, must be persons "deemed prominent and reputable" by the junta, known as the State Peace and Development Council.
Burma's military government announced in early 2008 that elections would take place sometime in 2010. A 1990 election was won by the National League for Democracy party of Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi, but the military refused to hand over power.
The party of Suu Kyi, who is under house arrest until November, has not yet committed itself to taking part in the polls because it claims the new constitution of 2008 is unfair. It has clauses that would ensure that the military retains a controlling say in government and bars Suu Kyi from holding office.
The party has said the election laws will help it determine whether it will participate.
The remaining four laws are said to cover the polls for the Pyithu Hluttaw, or House of Representatives; the polls for the Amyotha Hluttaw, or House of Nationalities, the other house of parliament; the polls for Region and State parliaments; and the Political Parties Registration Law.
The national and regional legislatures will all include military personnel nominated by their commander in chief.
The 440-member House of Representatives will have 330 elected civilians and 110 military representatives; while the 224-member House of Nationalities will seat 168 elected candidates and 56 nominated by the military chief.
Suu Kyi has been detained for 14 of the past 20 years. The Supreme Court last month dismissed her latest appeal for freedom. She was convicted last August of violating the terms of her previous detention by briefly sheltering an American who swam uninvited to her lakeside home, and sentenced to a term of house arrest to end this November.
The sentence was seen as a ploy to effectively keep Suu Kyi locked up during any election campaign.
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon expressed disappointment Monday that Suu Kyi's appeal was rejected, adding that the legitimacy of the elections rests on the freedom of political prisoners.
"Most importantly, all the political prisoners, including Aung San Suu Kyi, should be released as soon as possible, so that all of them can take part in elections," Ban said.
Ban said he wrote Than Shwe about 10 days ago "first of all expressing my concern about the lack of progress and also emphasizing the importance of the election ... to be (held in) a most credible, inclusive and transparent manner."
Burma rulers to 'hand-pick' election commission
Burma's military government announced on Monday that the long awaited laws had been passed - a crucial step.
No date for the poll has been set, but the ruling generals have promised that it will be sometime this year.
Critics say the elections, the first to be held in Burma for 20 years, will be a sham designed to entrench the military's grip on power.
There are five election laws in total and so far the details of the first, concerning the election commission, have been made public.
There are few surprises and little comfort for pro-democracy campaigners.
The commission itself will be hand-picked by the current military government, and its decisions will be final.
Each member of the election body must be at least 50 years old, be deemed by the ruling generals to be a person of integrity, and not a member of any political party.
Critics fear that in effect, that means the election commission will be staffed by military loyalists.
The details of four more laws will be published in the coming days.
They focus on the two new houses of parliament, the polls for regional and state elections and the registration of political parties.
The details of the new laws will be carefully scrutinised for any sign that Burma's first election for two decades could be more transparent and representative than many fear.
The United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon recently wrote to the head of the Burmese military government to express his concern about the credibility of the vote and the process leading up to it.
No date for the poll has been set, but the ruling generals have promised that it will be sometime this year.
Critics say the elections, the first to be held in Burma for 20 years, will be a sham designed to entrench the military's grip on power.
There are five election laws in total and so far the details of the first, concerning the election commission, have been made public.
There are few surprises and little comfort for pro-democracy campaigners.
The commission itself will be hand-picked by the current military government, and its decisions will be final.
Each member of the election body must be at least 50 years old, be deemed by the ruling generals to be a person of integrity, and not a member of any political party.
Critics fear that in effect, that means the election commission will be staffed by military loyalists.
The details of four more laws will be published in the coming days.
They focus on the two new houses of parliament, the polls for regional and state elections and the registration of political parties.
The details of the new laws will be carefully scrutinised for any sign that Burma's first election for two decades could be more transparent and representative than many fear.
The United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon recently wrote to the head of the Burmese military government to express his concern about the credibility of the vote and the process leading up to it.
Saturday, 6 March 2010
American policy on burma needs sharper teeth
Apart from urging the junta to hold free, fair elections, the world should also keep it away from North Korea
After the initial four high-level contacts with the Burmese junta since last August, the US administration has been trying hard to engage the junta for two major reasons.
The first is to convince Burma that it would be in the country's as well as the regime's interest to hold an all-inclusive, free and fair election this year. The second, and an equally important, reason is to create a distance between the Burmese and North Korean regimes in terms of the sale of weapons and nuclear arms proliferation.
Washington believed its enthusiastic, softer approach would convince the junta that the planned elections should be carried out in a manner that is internationally acceptable and one that would help the regime join the global community.
So far, the regime has not yet set a date for the elections or given the world a peek at any electoral laws. It is clear that the enthusiasm for the elections is quickly evaporating, if not disappearing, within the administration. The junta has its own roadmap to follow and will certainly not pay attention to the guidelines being suggested by well-wishers in other capitals.
The irony of it all is that the junta is managing to successfully buy time to maximise on the outcome of its grand political strategy - staying in power at all costs without ever giving in. Most importantly, the junta leaders want to keep opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi away from all political activities prior to the elections. Her party won the elections in May 1990 by a landslide, but the regime annulled the victory and took over.
Therefore, it is commendable that women like Nobel Peace laureates Shirin Ebadi and Jody Williams, along with other well-known human rights activists, are working to highlight the extreme violence being inflicted on women living in Burma. Their call to refer the matter to the International Criminal Court should be supported because in the past two decades, the Burmese junta has committed lots of crimes against humanity, not to mention innocent people being raped and tortured. In fact, the junta is known for using rape as a weapon of war against minorities. Thus, the international community should join hands and work towards the noble aim of ensuring safety and freedom for all people.
As for the second objective, Washington also has so far been unable to distance the two rogue states that have not only normalised their relations, but have over the past few years intensified their cooperation on military hardware.
The Burmese junta wants the kind of lethal weapons from North Korea that will allow it to project its military might on neighbouring countries. The reports on Rangoon's efforts to become nuclear capable should be taken seriously, though at this moment it would be very difficult, if not impossible, for Burma to develop such capacity.
However, in say 10 to 15 years, Burma can very easily build up its nuclear capacity with assistance from other rogue states that are willing to sell their technology and know-how. Like many other new, nuclear-ready states, such as Iran, the governments in power know exactly how to hide their burgeoning nuclear facilities. The world, especially Thailand, should watch out and not be fooled by the junta.
US Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian Affairs Kurt Campbell will be in Thailand next week, and might drop by in Burma if his planned itinerary is approved. If given the go-ahead, perhaps he will use this visit as an opportunity to tell the junta that time is running out and that it should stop dragging its feet in opening the door to democracy.
After the initial four high-level contacts with the Burmese junta since last August, the US administration has been trying hard to engage the junta for two major reasons.
The first is to convince Burma that it would be in the country's as well as the regime's interest to hold an all-inclusive, free and fair election this year. The second, and an equally important, reason is to create a distance between the Burmese and North Korean regimes in terms of the sale of weapons and nuclear arms proliferation.
Washington believed its enthusiastic, softer approach would convince the junta that the planned elections should be carried out in a manner that is internationally acceptable and one that would help the regime join the global community.
So far, the regime has not yet set a date for the elections or given the world a peek at any electoral laws. It is clear that the enthusiasm for the elections is quickly evaporating, if not disappearing, within the administration. The junta has its own roadmap to follow and will certainly not pay attention to the guidelines being suggested by well-wishers in other capitals.
The irony of it all is that the junta is managing to successfully buy time to maximise on the outcome of its grand political strategy - staying in power at all costs without ever giving in. Most importantly, the junta leaders want to keep opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi away from all political activities prior to the elections. Her party won the elections in May 1990 by a landslide, but the regime annulled the victory and took over.
Therefore, it is commendable that women like Nobel Peace laureates Shirin Ebadi and Jody Williams, along with other well-known human rights activists, are working to highlight the extreme violence being inflicted on women living in Burma. Their call to refer the matter to the International Criminal Court should be supported because in the past two decades, the Burmese junta has committed lots of crimes against humanity, not to mention innocent people being raped and tortured. In fact, the junta is known for using rape as a weapon of war against minorities. Thus, the international community should join hands and work towards the noble aim of ensuring safety and freedom for all people.
As for the second objective, Washington also has so far been unable to distance the two rogue states that have not only normalised their relations, but have over the past few years intensified their cooperation on military hardware.
The Burmese junta wants the kind of lethal weapons from North Korea that will allow it to project its military might on neighbouring countries. The reports on Rangoon's efforts to become nuclear capable should be taken seriously, though at this moment it would be very difficult, if not impossible, for Burma to develop such capacity.
However, in say 10 to 15 years, Burma can very easily build up its nuclear capacity with assistance from other rogue states that are willing to sell their technology and know-how. Like many other new, nuclear-ready states, such as Iran, the governments in power know exactly how to hide their burgeoning nuclear facilities. The world, especially Thailand, should watch out and not be fooled by the junta.
US Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian Affairs Kurt Campbell will be in Thailand next week, and might drop by in Burma if his planned itinerary is approved. If given the go-ahead, perhaps he will use this visit as an opportunity to tell the junta that time is running out and that it should stop dragging its feet in opening the door to democracy.
Friday, 5 March 2010

輸出入銀行、タイのかどうかは、ビルマ政府に4億バーツの低inteerst融資は、大蔵次官Pruektichai Damrongrut意見を検討する必要がありますし、政府との交渉を開きます。
Eximの総裁Apichai Boontherawara銀行も損傷を財務大臣に転送する前に、契約から結果を評価すると述べた。しかし、彼は、ビルマ政府は、定期的に返済を行って、良いクライアントと主張した。
Exim Bank reassesses loan to Burma
The Export-Import Bank of Thailand will open talks with the government on whether its four billion baht low inteerst loan to the Burmese government should be reviewed, Deputy Finance Minister Pruektichai Damrongrut says.
Pruektichai: Talks to start this week
Mr Pruektichai would consult Finance Minister Korn Chatikavanij and Exim Bank's legal team this week.
The Supreme Court's Criminal Division for Holders of Political Positions on Friday ruled former premier Thaksin Shinawatra had abused his authority with the Exim Bank loan to Burma.
Mr Pruektichai did not say how the bank would review the contract.
Exim Bank president Apichai Boontherawara said the bank would also assess the possible damage resulting from the contract before forwarding it to the finance minister. But he insisted the Burmese government was a good client which made regular repayments.
Exim Bank's soft loan to the Burmese government was one of five cases in which the Supreme Court ruled Thaksin abused his authority as prime minister.
The bank lent 4 billion baht to the Burmese government for 12 years at 3% interest, which is below its operating costs.
The Supreme Court said lending at an interest rate which was below the bank's operating cost was not an objective of the bank's establishment. The court estimated that lending at 3% over 12 years would cost the bank 670 million baht in damages.
Mr Apichai insisted the bank did not lose money from the lending, but said it would have to study the ruling thoroughly.
The court also ruled that Shin Satellite, a company in which members of the Shinawatra family were majority shareholders, benefited from the loan.
Burma spent it on buying telecommunications equipment and satellite services from Shin Satellite, better known now as Thaicom.
The court found the bank approved the 4 billion baht loan to Burma following an instruction by the Thaksin government.
Initially, it had opened a credit line of 3 billion baht for Burma, but Thaksin asked the bank to increase the credit line by one billion baht. After that, the interest rate on the loan was cut from 5.5% to 3%.
Pruektichai: Talks to start this week
Mr Pruektichai would consult Finance Minister Korn Chatikavanij and Exim Bank's legal team this week.
The Supreme Court's Criminal Division for Holders of Political Positions on Friday ruled former premier Thaksin Shinawatra had abused his authority with the Exim Bank loan to Burma.
Mr Pruektichai did not say how the bank would review the contract.
Exim Bank president Apichai Boontherawara said the bank would also assess the possible damage resulting from the contract before forwarding it to the finance minister. But he insisted the Burmese government was a good client which made regular repayments.
Exim Bank's soft loan to the Burmese government was one of five cases in which the Supreme Court ruled Thaksin abused his authority as prime minister.
The bank lent 4 billion baht to the Burmese government for 12 years at 3% interest, which is below its operating costs.
The Supreme Court said lending at an interest rate which was below the bank's operating cost was not an objective of the bank's establishment. The court estimated that lending at 3% over 12 years would cost the bank 670 million baht in damages.
Mr Apichai insisted the bank did not lose money from the lending, but said it would have to study the ruling thoroughly.
The court also ruled that Shin Satellite, a company in which members of the Shinawatra family were majority shareholders, benefited from the loan.
Burma spent it on buying telecommunications equipment and satellite services from Shin Satellite, better known now as Thaicom.
The court found the bank approved the 4 billion baht loan to Burma following an instruction by the Thaksin government.
Initially, it had opened a credit line of 3 billion baht for Burma, but Thaksin asked the bank to increase the credit line by one billion baht. After that, the interest rate on the loan was cut from 5.5% to 3%.
Thursday, 4 March 2010
7:35 pm水曜日2010年3月3日
大統領のラモスホルタ3日間の大学になります。 ヨークシャー、英国、ヨーロッパ各地から集まった約250若い人たちは、週末の問題について議論を過ごすことになります。
7:35 pm水曜日2010年3月3日
大統領のラモスホルタ3日間の大学になります。 ヨークシャー、英国、ヨーロッパ各地から集まった約250若い人たちは、週末の問題について議論を過ごすことになります。
Tuesday, 2 March 2010
*Myanmar: Cyclone Nargis Emergency Appeal No. MDRMM002 Operations*
*Myanmar: Cyclone Nargis Emergency Appeal No. MDRMM002 Operations*
Update No. 27
Source: International Federation of Red Cross And Red Crescent Societies
Date: 02 Mar 2010
Full_Report (pdf* format - 1.1 Mbytes)
GLIDE n° TC-2008-000057-MMR
Period covered by this update: September 2009 to end of January 2010
Appeal target: CHF 73,987,907 million
Appeal coverage: 96%
- 8 July 2008: A revised emergency appeal was launched for CHF 73.9 million
(USD 72.5 million or EUR 45.9 million) to assist 100,000 households for 36
- 16 May 2008: An emergency appeal was launched for CHF 52,857,809 (USD 50.8
million or EUR 32.7 million) to assist 100,000 households for 36 months.
- 6 May 2008: A preliminary emergency appeal was launched for CHF 6,290,909
(USD 5.9 million or EUR 3.86 million) to assist 30,000 households for six
- 5 May 2008: CHF 200,000 (USD 190,000 or EUR 123,000) was allocated from
the IFRC's Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF).
- The end of the rains in September enabled greater outreach towards
vulnerable communities through the shelter and livelihoods projects during
this reporting period, thanks to sustained efforts at hub level in these
initiatives. Similarly, water, sanitation and hygiene promotion projects
continued to reach large numbers of vulnerable households across all
targeted townships. The communitybased health and first aid programme also
made good progress primarily through trained community volunteers and Red
Cross volunteers.
- A high level of community participation continues to be an integral factor
in the success of field activities.
- The joint technical visit by three partner national societies in November,
aimed at a preliminary review of the recovery and accountability framework
across the shelter and livelihoods recovery programmes, was conducted
successfully. A draft report of the findings has been prepared, and once
final revisions are approved, this will be circulated to all partners and
will be a topic for discussion during the partnership meeting in Bangkok on
30-31 March 2010.
Update No. 27
Source: International Federation of Red Cross And Red Crescent Societies
Date: 02 Mar 2010
Full_Report (pdf* format - 1.1 Mbytes)
GLIDE n° TC-2008-000057-MMR
Period covered by this update: September 2009 to end of January 2010
Appeal target: CHF 73,987,907 million
Appeal coverage: 96%
- 8 July 2008: A revised emergency appeal was launched for CHF 73.9 million
(USD 72.5 million or EUR 45.9 million) to assist 100,000 households for 36
- 16 May 2008: An emergency appeal was launched for CHF 52,857,809 (USD 50.8
million or EUR 32.7 million) to assist 100,000 households for 36 months.
- 6 May 2008: A preliminary emergency appeal was launched for CHF 6,290,909
(USD 5.9 million or EUR 3.86 million) to assist 30,000 households for six
- 5 May 2008: CHF 200,000 (USD 190,000 or EUR 123,000) was allocated from
the IFRC's Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF).
- The end of the rains in September enabled greater outreach towards
vulnerable communities through the shelter and livelihoods projects during
this reporting period, thanks to sustained efforts at hub level in these
initiatives. Similarly, water, sanitation and hygiene promotion projects
continued to reach large numbers of vulnerable households across all
targeted townships. The communitybased health and first aid programme also
made good progress primarily through trained community volunteers and Red
Cross volunteers.
- A high level of community participation continues to be an integral factor
in the success of field activities.
- The joint technical visit by three partner national societies in November,
aimed at a preliminary review of the recovery and accountability framework
across the shelter and livelihoods recovery programmes, was conducted
successfully. A draft report of the findings has been prepared, and once
final revisions are approved, this will be circulated to all partners and
will be a topic for discussion during the partnership meeting in Bangkok on
30-31 March 2010.
Monday, 1 March 2010
(第84 - 2010年2月26日 - 1:40午後エ)閣下ローレンスキャノン、外務大臣は、本日、次のステートメントは、ビルマの最高裁の決定は民主化運動指導者の控訴を棄却するためにカナダへの失望感を表明したノーベル賞受賞者アウンサンスーチーさん:
- 30 -
(第84 - 2010年2月26日 - 1:40午後エ)閣下ローレンスキャノン、外務大臣は、本日、次のステートメントは、ビルマの最高裁の決定は民主化運動指導者の控訴を棄却するためにカナダへの失望感を表明したノーベル賞受賞者アウンサンスーチーさん:
- 30 -
Statement Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada : Condemns Burmese Decision on Aung San Suu Kyi Appeal
tags: 2010 Election, Burma, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, Human Rights, Junta, Myanmar, Statement Canada, world focus on Burma
by peacerunning
Canada Condemns Burmese Decision on Aung San Suu Kyi Appeal
(No. 84 – February 26, 2010 – 1:40 p.m. ET) The Honourable Lawrence Cannon, Minister of Foreign Affairs, today issued the following statement expressing Canada’s disappointment over the Burmese Supreme Court’s decision to reject the appeal of pro-democracy leader and Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi:
“Canada is deeply disappointed that the Burmese Supreme Court has rejected Aung San Suu Kyi’s latest appeal of her detention. Neither her original trial nor the appeal process has met international standards of due process, demonstrating a complete disregard for the rule of law. Canada maintains its position that her continued detention is unwarranted, unjustified and politically motivated.
“The Burmese regime has missed yet another opportunity to prove its commitment to hold inclusive, free and fair elections. The elections planned for 2010 will only be credible if the Burmese regime allows all citizens, including opposition groups, to participate freely in a transparent electoral process.
“Since December 2007, Canada has imposed the toughest sanctions of any country against the Burmese regime to protest its treatment of its people. These sanctions include a ban on goods exported to and imported from Burma. Canada again calls upon the Burmese regime to free all political prisoners, including Aung San Suu Kyi, and to engage in a genuine dialogue with members of the democratic opposition and different ethnic groups of Burma.
“In 2007, the Parliament of Canada granted Aung San Suu Kyi honourary Canadian citizenship for her tireless work for democracy in Burma.”
- 30 -
For further information, media representatives may contact:
Catherine Loubier
Director of Communications
Office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs
US criticises Burma on Suu Kyi appeal
The United States has criticized Burma's Supreme Court for not releasing Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi.
The court rejected her appeal asking to be freed from house arrest.
A State Department official says Washington condemns the Supreme Court's decision.
He says Aung San Suu Kyi is being held under house arrest for purely political reasons.
Suu Kyi's lawyer Nyan Win, who was barred from the courtroom, says he plans to lodge an appeal against the decision.
UN chief Ban Ki-moon expressed disappointment over the court's decision.
The court rejected her appeal asking to be freed from house arrest.
A State Department official says Washington condemns the Supreme Court's decision.
He says Aung San Suu Kyi is being held under house arrest for purely political reasons.
Suu Kyi's lawyer Nyan Win, who was barred from the courtroom, says he plans to lodge an appeal against the decision.
UN chief Ban Ki-moon expressed disappointment over the court's decision.
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